• (416) 537-2721
  • info@habitatservices.org
  • Toronto, Ontario
On-site Housing Support

On-site Housing Support

Habitat’s Housing Support Program has provided on-site services to tenants since 1999.  The program currently serves tenant communities in 10 boarding homes and 15 self-contained apartments.  Each setting has a team of two or more Housing Support Workers assigned to it.  The number of workers in each team and the number of visits they make per week varies according to the size and needs of the house.  Tenant participation in the activities organized by Housing Support Workers is voluntary.

Habitat Housing Support Workers use a community development model of support.  The housing support teams are flexible and responsive to the needs and wishes of the tenant community in each home.  They seek tenant input into the program on an ongoing basis.

The community development support model involves:

  • Providing opportunities for tenants to interact and socialize with one another and build a sense of community in their housing
  • Supporting tenants to acquire and practice skills in a safe environment, which will enable them to participate in the community
  • Supporting tenants to self-advocate and exercise their rights in housing and other areas

During their visits to the homes, the Housing Support Workers offer group social and recreational activities.  Tenants also have the opportunity to enjoy major outings with tenants of other homes such as visiting the Royal Ontario Museum and Centre Island.

Housing Support Workers can also provide some individual support to tenants who do not have case managers.

Cota Boarding Home Site Support Program

Cota, a not-for-profit agency, provides services to people with serious mental health issues living in the community.  The Cota Boarding Home Site Support Program provides on-site support to tenants in some of the Habitat funded homes.  For more information about Cota’s Boarding Home Site Support Program, click here.

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