• (416) 537-2721
  • info@habitatservices.org
  • Toronto, Ontario
The Contract

The Contract

Habitat Services enters into a commercial contract with owners of boarding homes in Toronto.  The majority of the homes are owned by private business people who in many cases operate the homes themselves.  There are also six homes run by non-profit organizations and three apartment style units in the portfolio.

The contract outlines the building and nutritional standards as well as the residential services standards that owners and operators must meet at all times.  Habitat monitors the services provided to tenants and pays a per diem subsidy to owners.  The amount of per diem paid depends on the income of the tenant.  The subsidy program is funded by the City of Toronto and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

Habitat Services also coordinates regular education sessions for owners, operators and their staff that work in the homes as part of the contractual agreement. Education sessions include a wide variety of topics such as mental health, diabetes, nutrition, fire safety, and diversity.

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